Pay Policy
- 1am / 1pm
- 2am / 2pm
- 6am / 6pm
- 7am / 7pm
Listed above are the CIA's pay times. Pay occurs twice every 6 hours, with 8 pay times happening each day. Therefore, depending on your rank, you could earn up to 56 points a day! The CIA runs under the UK time zone. This is the BST time zone. If you wish to convert the BST timezone into your timezone, see below.
World Clock
Amount of Pay for each Rank Unit
Agent to Instructor: 3 Points per Pay Time
Support to Communications: 4 Points per Pay Time
OOA to Trial iC: 5 Points per Pay Time
Senior Council to Ownership: 6 Points per Pay Time
Points Shop:
Personnel can redeem their points at any time, so long as a Payer or Foundation member is available. As we understand personnels can be busy with school/work in real life, there is no expiration on the points.
Note: there is a maximum amount of points of 300 at any one time.
Please refer to the redemption table:

Pay Rules:
These rules have been put into place to ensure that people are really earning their pay. These pay rules are strictly followed by our team of Pay Managers. You MUST have reached the required amount of statistics before you are eligible for pay. Once you have met the required stats, you're eligible to be accepted into the Pay Session. Once you feel as though you are eligible, head to the help desk and request that a Pay Manager accepts you!
The rules that you have to meet also depend upon what division you are in. Please see below for each division's required statistics.
Standard Agents: Fill FTF for 45 minutes.
Moderation: Fill FTS for 45 minutes, FTF is only acceptable if the Security is occupied.
Instructor: Fill FTT for 45 minutes, FTF/FTS is only acceptable if occupied with other trainers.
Support - OOA: Promote and train 2 employees or recruit 1 user & must be active for at least 45 minutes (all stations accessible).
Government: Promote and train 3 employees or recruit 3 users & must be active for at least 1 hour (all stations accessible) (Appropriate training: recruit, moderation, instructor, support).
Trial iC - [1iC]: Promote/Train 4 employees or recruit 3 users & must be active for at least 1 hour (all stations accessible) (Appropriate training: recruit, moderation, instructor, support).
Since sometimes acquiring the required stats can be difficult for some people, it's also been implemented that if you're active for 150 minutes on any station within the base, this can also make you eligible for pay.
Please note, if the base is especially quiet for the hours before a pay time, the person conducting pay will evaluate the situation and potentially lift the statistics rule. However, they will still be insisting that you have the required online time prior to pay and after pay.
Terms and Conditions
1. Employees have from the minute that pay ends from the previous pay, to the minute that pay is conducted on the next pay to complete their tasks.
2. If you have disconnected from Habbo, or were in need to AFK urgently for a few minutes, you are still able to collect pay, however, you need at least 2 people to vouch for you. Those who are vouching need to have been online for a minimum of 60 minutes in order to vouch for others.
3. If you are asked to have vouchers, you must have 1 non-iC member and 1 [5iC]+ or 2 [5iC]+ to vouch for you.
4. If a hotel maintenance occurs during Pay Requirements, there will be no pay, thus skipped. Any active pay bans during the maintenance, will be lifted and won't be penalised.
5. Workers who hold the rank of Support or above and are trade-locked are able to receive a promotion instead of pay.
6. DO NOT EVER use an alt as a way to get paid twice, as we are aware and we know an alt when we see one. If you are caught doing so, actions will be taken depending on the situation, which could lead to you getting fired or pay-banned for some time.
7. You are only allowed to receive ONE promotion each day from the pay line. This is exclusive of any seperate promotion lines that occur within the base.
8. If a specific timezone has a lack of employees being active in HQ, employees may simply remain online filling stations and be active for the number of minutes specified in their rank division. The payer will review its situation, before allowing you to be paid.
Frequently Asked Questions
What do you do in CIA?
Other than the general role of recruiting members, letting people through security and training our new members, you help around the HQ by staying active and making sure that the agency runs smoothly, as well as actively partaking in the several special units above. You also get the opportunity to quickly get promoted up through the ranks.
How often do you pay? and how much do you pay?
Currently, we pay eight times a day at 1/2 am/pm and 6/7 am/pm GMT+0. We currently pay 2-6c each pay time with the maximum amount of credits you can earn being 24c in one day!
My timezone isn't GMT+0, how do I know what time pay is for me?
Convert your time below.
World Clock
How do I buy ranks or donate?
To buy a rank or donate, visit a rank seller. Rank prices are here.
I've just joined and I want to find out what my duties are, where do I look?
For non-iC ranks, you can either hover over "Rank Information" and click "Rank Duties", or click here
For iC ranks, you can find your duties by hovering over "Guides" and clicking "iC Rank Guides", or click here
I want to appeal an infraction / complain / make a suggestion, how do I do this?
Hover over "Other Links" and click on "Appeals, Complaints and Suggestions".