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Moderation Training

HabboCIA - Training Requirements
You must use BLUE chat within the training. If there is another training going on, use GREEN text. Do not copy RED text.
Congratulations on getting promoted to the Moderation Division,
and welcome to your training session!
The Moderation division is made up of highly trained members, who process members through security.
It's their job to determine whether they should be sent to Lobby, HQ or Training.

There will be a test at the end, so I advise that you pay close attention.
Do you have any questions before we begin?

Please wait for the trainee's response before you proceed.

Now, I will teach you how to operate the security system.
This station is known as FTS.
There are 3 keywords you have to remember when using FTS:
1. !base = sends the user inside the base.
2. !training = sends the user to training.
3. !lobby = sends the user back to lobby.
Remember that before letting someone in, you have to make sure they have the correct Badge and Motto.

And of course, make sure to Security Search anyone before letting them in.
To perform a security search, go to the Portal and click in the search bar at the top of the page.
Type in their username and hit enter on your keyboard.
There are 3 Security Search results. If it says:
1. "ACCESS GRANTED", check if their motto on portal and habbo matches, then you can let them in by typing !base.
2. "ACCESS LIMITED", check their badge and motto. If it says [CIA] Recruit, send them to training by typing !training
If their motto does not say [CIA] Recruit, send them to the lobby by typing !lobby.
3. "ACCESS DENIED", send them back to the lobby by typing !lobby.
This means that the user has either been suspended, fired, is on our national punishment list or do not hire list.
Always make sure to Security Search anyone before letting them in.

Do you have any questions before we proceed with the test?
Please wait for the trainee's response before you proceed.

Fantastic, now we will begin the test. You must pass this to work in the Moderation Division.
1. Please tell me which command should be used for the following situation:
A Habbo with the correct badge, and the motto is [CIA] Recruit

Wait for a reply
1 point. Answer: !training.

2. A user trolling in the base is sent to FTS.
What command will you use for the troll?

Wait for a reply.
1 point. Answer = !lobby.

3. A user with a correct motto but no badges.
Which command will be used?

Wait for a reply.
1 point. Answer = !lobby.

4. How do you perform a security search on the portal?
Wait for a reply.
1 point. Answer = Search bar at the top of the portal.

This marks the end of the test.

The security trainee will pass if they got 3 questions out of 4 correct.
If the trainee has passed, follow what is said below.

Ensure to add training for the trainee and change the training type to "Security Training".
Once done, give the trainee a new motto.

Congratulations, you've passed and are now a Moderation Member!
Please change your motto to:
[CIA] Trial Moderation [Trainer's Tag]
Do you have any questions?

You must now sign up for our portal in order to be able to perform your duties as a member of the Moderation Division.
Please go to and click on the “Register” button.
This is essential as you will be required the Security System whilst operating Security.
Let me know once you're there so I can give you your verification code.

Log their successful training, this should give you a registration code to give them - once pasted to the user, please check to see if they have logged in correctly.

Leave of Absences
Lastly, we will start with Leave of Absence [LOA].
As a non-iC, if you need to take 14 days or more from Habbo,
please fill in "Leave of Absence" on our portal.
You must provide a minimum of 3 days notice before your LOA date.
There are guides on how to do this on our website, habbocia|pw
More information regarding LOA will be on CIA's website
in the Policies & Guidelines section of habbocia|pw.
Any questions regarding the LOA section?

Wait for the employee to answer then continue.

Fantastic, Remember that you can now enter the base without going to FTF.
Congratulations once again! Lets BTB!

For Agents who failed:
Unfortunately, you have failed the Moderation Training.
You will have to retake the training again in order to pass your Trial.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you do in CIA?

Other than the general role of recruiting members, letting people through security and training our new members, you help around the HQ by staying active and making sure that the agency runs smoothly, as well as actively partaking in the several special units above. You also get the opportunity to quickly get promoted up through the ranks.

How often do you pay? and how much do you pay?

Currently, we pay eight times a day at 1/2 am/pm and 6/7 am/pm GMT+0. We currently pay 1-6 points each paytime which you can then claim via the points shop.

My timezone isn't GMT+0, how do I know what time pay is for me?

Convert your time below.
World Clock

How do I buy ranks or donate?

To buy a rank or donate, visit a rank seller. Rank prices are here.

I've just joined and I want to find out what my duties are, where do I look?

For non-iC ranks, you can either hover over "Rank Information" and click "Rank Duties", or click here
For iC ranks, you can find your duties by hovering over "Guides" and clicking "iC Rank Guides", or click here

I want to appeal an infraction / complain / make a suggestion, how do I do this?

Hover over "Other Links" and click on "Appeals, Complaints and Suggestions".