Operation Training
Welcome to the official Central Intelligence Agency's Operations Training Session!
I am [Username], and I will be conducting today's session
Throughout this session, please address me as Sir / Ma'am
This training session will take up around 10 to 15 minutes of your time.
I ask that you do not AFK during this session, if you need to AFK please ask me.
I strongly recommend that you pay full attention throughout the duration of the session.
I also suggest taking notes throughout the session, but this is optional.
There will be a test at the end of the session.
If you feel as though i'm going too fast or too slow, don't hesitate to say.
In this part of the training session, we will be discussing Infractions.
Infractions are the CIA's way of enforcing sanctions upon employees that need them.
The CIA holds its employees to the highest standard.
There are consequences if you fail to abide by the rules found in the Code of Conduct.
Disciplinary actions are referred to as infractions.
A Verbal Warning or Verbal Infraction is given to all employees who break a rule.
They must be logged via the CIA Discord Server.
following the format on the pinned messages of the channel.
A logged warning is a formal warning logged on the Portal.
A Strike 1 (x1) involves another logged warning.
A x1 infraction is more severe than a verbal or logged warning.
This is because the employee can be demoted by up to 10 ranks.
The exact number of ranks demoted is up to the logger and IA.
A Strike 2 (x2) is more severe than x1, and involves a demotion by up to 20 ranks.
A Strike 3 will mean that the employee will be dismissed/fired from CIA.
Depending on the severity of the breach of the rule,
the disciplinary actions taken may not follow this exact model.
All portal-based Infractions will need to be approved by an IA member.
If you have any queries regarding discipline, please get in touch with the IA Unit.
Any questions so far?
Wait for the employee to answer then continue.
Remember: when ATT’ing someone who's idling at a station, ATT once, then wait for 15-30 seconds,
ATT x2 then wait another 15-30 seconds, and lastly, ATT x3.
If there is a response, give the employee a reminder about activity.
If there is no response, log a Verbal Warning via Discord (if it's a first offence),
then ask a Room Rights member to bop them to FTB.
Remember to take screenshots of your attempts to ATT the person.
Use these screenshots as evidence in your verbal warning log.
If you notice that any member is repeatedly idling at a station,
even after being warned, you should speak to a member of IA or Directorate
for further advice on the next steps to take.
Are you ready for the test?
Wait for the employee's response.
We'll now move onto the test for this training session.
The test will consist of 5 questions,
with two of the questions being scenario based questions.
1. Where are Strikes logged?
ANSWER: Portal
2. How many strikes can an employee get before they are dismissed?
3. How many times should you ATT an unresponsive employee before issuing a Verbal Warning?
4. Who would you speak to if you notice a CIA member has been repeatedly idling at a station despite being given reminders and verbal warnings?
ANSWER: Internal Affairs or Directorate
5. If an employee is found to be continuously trolling within the base
and they currently have two strikes, what is the next course of action?
ANSWER: Dismissal from the CIA
For Trainees that failed (3/5 and below)
I'm sorry to say, but you've failed the Operations Training today.
Do you wish to retake the training session?
If the Trainee wishes to retake the session, please do so.
For Trainees that passed (4/5 or above)
Congratulations! you are now an official Operations member.
Please now change your motto to:
[CIA] Junior Operative I [Trainer's Tag][Your Tag]
Finally, we will discuss our Special Units here at the CIA.
We strongly urge you to involve yourself with at least one Special Unit
As this is where you can really excel yourself!
We currently have 5 Special Units, they are as follows:
Transfer Unit (TU), Entertainment Unit (EU), Internal Affairs (IA),
External Affairs (EA) and Executive Board (EB).
The Transfer Unit is solely responsible for transferring non members to the CIA.
Their main role is to check if the transferee is eligible to transfer
And if the transferee is eligible, then offering them a rank.
The Entertainment Unit is solely responsible for entertaining the entirety of the CIA.
It is made up of three branches: Events, Radio and Public Affairs.
Each branch takes up a different sector of the unit, completing different tasks.
Internal Affairs are responsible for handling discipline, policies, appeals and LOAs.
The Judicial Branch of IA carries out investigations and helps to minimise conflict.
The Legislative Branch of IA regularly reviews all CIA policies and makes updates.
All IA members are trained in reviewing and approving portal infractions,
Leave of Absence requests and appeals of all kinds.
. External Affairs are solely responsible for handling foreign and domestic affairs.
They are the people who handle business with allies and treaties.
The main role for External Affairs is to maintain relationships and build new ones.
The Executive Board is the unit that ensures that everyone gets paid.
As well as this, they handle anything finance based within the CIA.
They monitor how all coins are circulated so we can pay employees and build new rooms.
You can find out more about our special units on our website.
This concludes our training session today.
Congratulations once again, let's BTB!
Note: Ensure that you have logged the training on the portal.
Frequently Asked Questions
What do you do in CIA?
Other than the general role of recruiting members, letting people through security and training our new members, you help around the HQ by staying active and making sure that the agency runs smoothly, as well as actively partaking in the several special units above. You also get the opportunity to quickly get promoted up through the ranks.
How often do you pay? and how much do you pay?
Currently, we pay eight times a day at 1/2 am/pm and 6/7 am/pm GMT+0. We currently pay 1-6 points each paytime which you can then claim via the points shop.
My timezone isn't GMT+0, how do I know what time pay is for me?
Convert your time below.
World Clock
How do I buy ranks or donate?
To buy a rank or donate, visit a rank seller. Rank prices are here.
I've just joined and I want to find out what my duties are, where do I look?
For non-iC ranks, you can either hover over "Rank Information" and click "Rank Duties", or click here
For iC ranks, you can find your duties by hovering over "Guides" and clicking "iC Rank Guides", or click here
I want to appeal an infraction / complain / make a suggestion, how do I do this?
Hover over "Other Links" and click on "Appeals, Complaints and Suggestions".