Code of Conduct
Section 1 - General Rules
Section 2 - Commands
Section 3 - Disciplinary System
Section 4 - Court of Appeals
Section 5 - Non-Disclosure Policy
Section 6 - Pay
Section 7 - Room Rights Holders
Section 8 - Rank Duties
Section 9 - Portal Usage
Section 10 - Chain Of Command
Section 11 - Meetings
Section 12 - Retirement / Returns
Section 13 - Sexual Harrassment & Abuse
Section 14 - Confidentiality
Section 15 - Units
Section 16 - Appropriate Evidence
Section 17 - Promotion System
The Central Intelligence Agency prides itself with following the Habbo Way to develop an environment of equal opportunity for all. This code of conduct applies to everyone employed at the agency. The Code of Conduct serves as a practical guide for all employees. Anyone found in violation of any sections within this Code of Conduct may face severe repercussions.
Section 1 - General Rules
It is expected that all CIA employees follow these basic rules:
1. Never Abuse or Harass any CIA employee, visitor or special guest.
2. Never ask for Pay, Promotions, or special privileges such as badge administration or room rights.
3. Do not excessively use capital letters or spam with the intent to disrupt.
4. Red coloured chat is only permitted for announcements, and can only be used by Ownership+. All other coloured chat is permitted.
4. Never Self-Promote or Double Job. This means DO NOT promote yourself or work at other jobs; excluding unpaid roleplays.
5. Never let unauthorised persons into the HQ via the Front Desk or the Security Station.
6. Do not AFK (Away From Keyboard) at any Work Station.
7. Always follow the 'Habbo Way'.
8. Always follow instructions or commands given by superiors.
9. Always wear your Badge and Motto while working in any CIA affiliated rooms.
10. Personal Information should only be requested IF the person is comfortable doing so. Continuing to ask for personal information after the recipient has suggested / told you they are uncomfortable could lead to disciplinary action.
12. Never use your rank or position to favour close friends or family, if you believe a close friend or family member deserves a promotion, call on someone else to do it.
13. You may not steal anyone's seat when a colleague is being promoted. This applies to all stations, however if all seats are occupied, you may ask for permission to take over.
14. You are required to have your online time actively shown on your profile whilst you are employed with the CIA (unless you have spoken to a Founder and have been exempt from such rule, however, exemptions can only be temporary, and must have good reasoning).
15. The CIA enforces an English Only Policy. This is for moderation purposes. You must speak in English at all times when within HQ and other CIA affiliated rooms. Failure to comply with this policy may result in action being taken against you.
16. Cloning or mimicking another Habbo's outfit/face without permission can be perceived as disrespectful. Do not clone anyone in the CIA unless it's for a recreational event.
Section 2 - Commands
Commands are used to help regulate employees and to provide order within the HeadQuarters and affiliated rooms. They are to be adhered to by all employees.
Commands Are As Followed:
- FTF (Fill The Front): Sit at the front desk of the base and recruit people.
- FTS (Fill The Security): Sit in Security and manage who comes inside base.
- FTT (Fill The Training): Go to the training room and train new recruits.
- FTB (Fill The Back): If you need to AFK or in the case that all working stations are full, you may choose to sit in the AFK area
- FTTD (Fill The Transfer Desk): Sit at the Transfer Desk and manage transfers of people that wish to join us.
- FTHD (Fill The Help Desk): Sit in the Help Desk area and assist employees, should they have any inquiries.
- CTH (Clear The Hall): Clear the area behind FTF Desks by sitting down on a chair that is near you.
- BTB (Back To Base): Go back to the CIA HeadQuarters, no questions asked.
- ATT (Attention): Stand in front of the superior rank that called AA, wave, and say: 'Yes Sir/Ma'am!'
- AE (At Ease): Go back to what you were doing. (If you are at ATT, don't leave unless you hear AE).
Misuse of commands will lead to repercussions.
Section 3 - Disciplinary System
The CIA holds its employees to the highest standard. Therefore, there are consequences if you fail to abide by the rules found in this document, with harsher consequences to follow for continued violation.
Any such disciplinary action can only be administered by a higher rank. Disciplinary actions are referred to, collectively, as infractions.
All infractions, with the exception of verbal warnings, must be approved by Internal Affairs (IA), and any employee that has approved a strike without authorisation will face consequences. Further information can be found in Section 1.3 - Disciplinary System.
The following infractions are listed from least to most severe.
1. A verbal warning will be given to all employees in the first instance of rule violation, with the exception of severe breaches that may warrant harsher punishment sooner. All verbal warnings are ‘informal’, in that they are not logged against the employee’s portal account. Verbal Warnings are still required to be logged via the CIA Discord Server for auditing purposes. Verbal Warnings still need to be checked by a member of the iC Team for validity.
2. A logged warning is, in essence, a formal warning. This is logged against the employee’s portal account.
3. Strike #1 involves another logged warning via the portal, however this includes a minor demotion as further punishment. Strike #1 allows for the issuer to demote the employee up to 10 ranks below their current. Exact number of ranks for demotion is at the discretion of the employee issuing the strike, taking into consideration the severity of the rule violation.
4. Strike #2 involves another logged warning via the portal, with a harsh demotion for further punishment. Strike #2 allows for the issuer to demote the employee up to 20 ranks below their current. Exact number of ranks for demotion is at the discretion of the employee issuing the strike, taking into consideration the severity of the rule violation.
5. Strike #3 is the most severe infraction, as employees receiving this level of punishment will ultimately be dismissed and fired from their roles at CIA. In severe cases, further sanctions (such as their username being listed on Ban on Sight, Do not Hire or National Punishment lists) may be applied at the discretion of the Internal Affairs unit and the Foundation Team.
Note that if these infractions are applied to any employee who receives admin privileges (such as room rights, badge admin, discord admin or portal admin), then that individual’s admin rights may be suspended or revoked at any point at the discretion of the Foundation Team where deemed necessary.
Whilst these infractions are typically issued in order of increasing severity, this may be overridden by the Internal Affairs unit or, in exceptional or sensitive cases, the Directorate or Foundation Teams in order to apply a firmer punishment more quickly. Listing of individuals onto our sanction lists (BoS/DnH/NP) is at the sole discretion of the Foundation Team and Internal Affairs Leadership.
Section 4 - Court of Appeals
Every employee has a fundamental right to appeal. This means that any employee of any rank is able to dispute a decision made against them, this is most commonly an infraction.
An appeal against an infraction, or other decision, must be made via the appropriate form. A statement must be provided by the employee as to why they are requesting an appeal. Appeals against infractions that an employee simply does not like or finds unfair, without real reason, will not be accepted for consideration.
Appeals are handled by the Internal Affairs unit and involve your original case being reviewed, in combination with your appeal statement, by IA members who were not part of your original disciplinary. Your case will be looked at in a fair manner and treated with sensitivity and confidentiality.
Please note that by submitting an appeal, you do not guarantee that your infraction, disciplinary or sanction will be reversed. There are multiple outcomes to an appeal case and you may wish to discuss this with a member of IA prior to submitting an appeal.
Appeals are also open to VIP guests, Special Visitors, Donators and the General Public where they feel that action has been taken against them in such a way that is unjust or too extreme.
Section 5 - Non Disclosure Policy
Having access to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)’s discord channels is a privilege. As members move up within the agency, they will receive access to more channels within the discord. There are many “employee-only” channels that “non-members” do not have access to. Non-members refers to anyone that is not currently, and actively, working for the CIA on Habbo including: Special Visitors(SV), VIPs, Veterans, ex-employees, and strangers/guests.
At no time should any CIA related matters be discussed with any ‘non-members’. Only Founders and External Affairs leadership have the ability to authorise CIA related matters outside of the CIA. Below are some, but not all, examples of “CIA related matters”:
- Infractions
- Internal Affairs cases
- Disputes
- Scandals
- Any information that has not been released to the public yet
Failure to obey this policy will result in full termination of the employee in question, as well as placement on the CIA National Punishment (NP) with the reason of exposing confidential information to the public.
If authorised, information that is being discussed outside of CIA is solely to be discussed with allied/treatied agencies EA & Leadership only. However, matters can be discussed with other agencies, depending if they have brought an issue to us or we have brought an issue to them
We wish to remain a positive and friendly community within Habbo. Gossiping about CIA matters with non-members will not be tolerated.
Section 6 - Pay
Section 6.1 - Payment Times
Pay is at a set time each day. Below are the times that you should be aware of in order to receive payment.
1am and 1pm GMT
2am and 2pm GMT
6am and 6pm GMT
7am and 7pm GMT
Section 6.2 - Payment Procedure
Pay points are provided by Points Administrators. Points Administrators must liaise with Pay Rules Administrators in order to ensure that all personnel being paid have adhered to the rules.
Payment is given in the form of a pay session, where all personnel eligible will log into the portal and join the pay session.
Points Administrators must log all points given on the portal. The method of doing this is completely up to the payer. They may wish to log points as they administer them, or write down all eligible users and provide points after the pay period is over.
Once a user has reached a minimum of 20 pay points, they automatically become eligible to claim payment from a payer or member of the Foundation Team.
Payers must provide payment out of their own funds and reclaim the amount of coins they have used to pay a user (Taxes included*) from a member of the Foundation Team. Payers must ensure that all payments given to a user are logged on the portal. Failure to do this will result in reimbursement being impossible, as there will be no log of a payment being made.
Once a user has claimed “X” amount of their points, the “X” amount of their points will be deducted from the balance, and they must reaccumulate their points in order to claim again.
*Important note: Payers must buy the biggest coin package, failure to do so and the taxes will not be refunded to you. An example would be if a Foundation Team member has traded you 55 credits, then you are expected to buy the 50 bronze coins package which costs 55 credits.
Any points dispute must be appealed to the Foundation Team, please ensure evidence is provided as this will increase the chance of it being approved.
Section 6.3 Payment Amounts
We pay personnel based on the division they are in. This is because payment is provided on the basis that higher responsibility warrants a higher pay value. Our pay amounts* are the following:
Agent to Instructor: 3 Points per Pay Time
Support to Communications: 4 Points per Pay Time
OOA to Trial iC: 5 Points per Pay Time
Senior Council to Ownership: 6 Points per Pay Time
Note: Points per rank division may change at any time. This will be publicly announced under the employees-announcement on our Discord server.
Section 6.4 Payment Amounts
Personnel can redeem their points at any time, so long as a Payer or Foundation member is available. As we understand personnels can be busy with school/work in real life, there is no expiration on the points. Please refer to the redemption table:

*For the newest wearable in the catalogue. If there aren't any new wearables at the time of redemption, then this can’t be redeemed.
Section 7 - Room Rights Holders
Having room rights in the CIA is a great privilege, and should NOT be abused. Having room rights in the CIA means that you are trusted and deemed responsible enough to protect and operate CIA's headquarters. If you are demonstrating unacceptable behaviour, you may have your access to room rights suspended. If you ask for these privileges it may prevent you from receiving it in the future.
With having room rights to the CIA headquarters, you are expected to use it responsibly. This means, when you need to, you should kick/mute/ban those who fail to adhere by the CIA Rules. If you fail to adhere by using your RR to do so, your RR will be revoked.
The boppers are only to be used to move people out of hallways if they’re blocking the way or if someone is idling in an open space area. Room Right holders are not permitted to bop people into the base (Unless Foundation) if they don’t hold the proper badge and motto on their profile. Failure to comply will result in the suspension of their RR powers.
Section 8 - Rank Duties
In the CIA, you're required to complete your duties depending on what rank and division you are. Failure to carry out your duties will result in severe consequences, including the potential for demotion or dismissal. Please visit the CIA's website for more information about rank duties.
Section 9 - Portal Usage
CIA's portal was made to record information which can be referred back to by other members of the CIA. Each file in our portal acts to record different information. For example, the Promotion Logs are to record each time a high ranking employee has promoted another employee. In order to stay on the portal, you must follow certain rules.
Section 9.1 - Portal Rules
- Infractions must include a description of the offence, and must include evidence of any wrongdoing. All evidence must be valid and show context as necessary, and must display all information for approval.
- Only certain employees are permitted to approve or reject infraction logs, this includes members of the Internal Affairs special unit. Approval or rejection of one’s own logs is not permitted under any circumstances.
Section 9.2 - Infractions and Approvals
- When logging infractions on the portal, you must ensure that all fields are filled correctly and accurately.
- All evidence must be provided in its full form. Falsification or tampering with evidence will result in the infraction being voided and you may face disciplinary action yourself.
- All logs should be written in a professional manner, referring to relevant policy and legislation where appropriate.
- When submitting infractions, you must take every effort to ensure that logs are not duplicated.
- All infractions logged via the portal are pending review by a member of Internal Affairs before being actioned.
Section 9.3 - Abuse of the Portal
If you are identified abusing any part of the portal, you may face disciplinary action. This may include, but is not limited to:
- Suspension of your portal account.
- Removal of your portal account.
- If you are a Moderator on the portal, a removal of your administrative privileges may occur.
- Demotion.
- Serious offences within the portal may result in a discharge.
These consequences can apply to anyone who is not following the proper use of the portal, regardless of rank.
Section 10 - Chain of Command
The Chain of Command is located under the Official Rank List page on this website. If you have any concerns regarding the CIA, check the Chain of Command to find the individual whom your comment should be directed to. All of the members on the Chain of Command are senior members of the CIA, and must be treated with the utmost respect. Any disrespect may lead to consequences as listed in Section 3. Employees are expected to follow and respect the chain of command. Any forms of disrespect, bad behaviour and failure to obey commands given by a HR of higher status may face several consequences.
Section 11 - Meetings
This meeting policy was created to ensure that meetings will run smoothly and with relative efficiency. All staff are required to follow these rules when participating in meetings. If you are found breaking these rules, punishments as strikes, demotions, and in serious cases, firings may occur. Please be aware that CIA’s preferred timezone is always shown on the front page of our website (aligned with current UK time).
Meetings will generally have at least 5 days notice before one occurs. If less than 5 days, the meeting may be cancelled.
All meetings are announced on Discord. It is the employee's responsibility to keep up-to-date on such matters.
Section 11.1 - Requirements To Host And/Or Be In A Meeting
- [2iC] Commissioners can hold a meeting, having [1iC] Ownership members to authorize the meeting, and as their co-host
- You are required to be the rank of [1iC] Ownership or higher to host a meeting by yourself.
- You may hold meetings if you are in a Director role for any Special Unit, providing the nature of the meeting is relevant to the unit. Unit Overseers must be present as a co-host.
Section 11.2 - Meeting Host Rules and Rights
- The minimum rank for the attendees of a meeting can be adjusted by the meeting host and must be respected by all.
- The host of any meeting is the single person in-charge of the meeting.
- There may only be a maximum of one host in the meeting
- If you require more than one host, please get approval from [1iC] Ownership or above.
- There may be a co-host to assist the host if it's required (maximum of 2).
- The Host and Co-Host are the only people that may use coloured chat, however, this is optional.
- The host of the meeting starts and ends the meeting. The only exception is if a [1iC] Ownership ranked member or higher requires so.
Section 11.3 - Meeting Room Policy
- You must stay silent at all times when a meeting is in session unless permitted by the host.
- If you wish to have a say, continuously wave, or use signs until called by the host.
- Do not interrupt the meeting by speaking out randomly and walking around without permission. To stay active, whisper to a friend.
- If you wish to speak you must not use ALL CAPS or coloured chat.
- Only one member is to be speaking in the meeting at a time unless directed otherwise by the host.
- Show respect to all attending members.
- If any meeting room rules are broken, immediate action may be taken. This may involve a warning, the person being asked to leave the room, issuing a strike, demotion or in the worst case, firing.
Section 11.4 - Emergency Meeting
- This is a meeting which holds top priority, addressing issues which may be immediately threatening to the operations of the CIA. One may host an emergency meeting as long as they are approved by any [1iC] Ownership member or above.
Section 12 - Retirement / Returns
Section 12.1 - Emergency Meeting
If an employee decides to retire from the CIA, they are eligible to return to the agency at their original rank (or a rank similar if the position was filled) within 14 days of retiring. Veterans who decide to return and who were ranked above Trial iC will be required to take the TiC Programme. The Veteran will be required to be placed at Trial iC pending their final programme score. The returning Veteran may be able to sit a condensed or modified version of the TiC programme, but this is at the discretion of the Trial iC Programme Director and Overseer in conjunction with Foundation.
How Does The System Work?
Under any circumstances, you should not leave the veteran badge once you've been accepted to it, as it allows you to return to a position in the CIA. The retirement badge guarantees the highest rank available at or below the rank which the retiree held, assuming they wish to return to the CIA. However, the rank is not reserved, and so is subject to change. Breaking CIA's rules would result in the loss of an individual's veteran badge.
Extra Information:
- The veteran badge can only be granted for those who wrote a resignation letter, within the designated time period, which is listed below.
- Resignation notices are to be submitted 1 week prior to one's resignation date. This allows for the CIA to make appropriate preparations for the absence of an [iC].
- The SV badge will automatically be granted to those with a veteran badge.
- If approved, you will be contacted with instructions to join the badge.
- If you were not contacted within a week, please contact a member of [1iC] Ownership to assist you. If they are unavailable, please contact any member of the [2iC] Commissioners.
- Removal of Veteran badge is permissible only if the veteran has decided to join another agency - if they wish to be added back to the veteran badge, they must speak to a member of Foundation.
Section 12.2 - Returning Members
In the circumstances of a previously employed member of the CIA returning to the CIA through a transfer from another agency, they are given a 2 division demotion from their previous CIA rank on their first return. On the users second return, they are to receive a 3 division demotion. This does not apply to previous members who have the Veteran badge or previous members who have had disciplinary actions against them. For example: A user who worked here transferred to another agency, and wishes to transfer back, and it's their first return - they receive a 2 division demotion for disloyalty. If the user then transferred away and wanted to come back, it would be their second return and they would have a 3 division demotion for disloyalty to the CIA.
Section 12.3 - Returning from an inactivity dismissal
If the user has returned after having badges, portal and discord roles removed due to their inactivity, they are always allowed to rejoin the CIA. In this case however, they are to be given a 1 division demotion for not being able to post a LOA for the time period they were inactive.
Section 12.4 - Members who quit and wish to return
In the circumstances of a previously employed member who quit without any notice of retirement but hasn't transferred to another agency and wants to return, they are to be given a 2 division demotion. For example: A user who was 2iC quit without any notice of retirement and hasn't transferred to another agency - they receive a 2 division demotion.
Section 13 - Sexual Harrassment / Abuse
CIA obliges to the UK laws, stating that the age of consent is 16 years old. This would mean no matter what country and your laws say, if you are caught asking for pictures from someone of 16 years old and below, you will immediately face severe consequences. We strictly follow the UK laws, as our agency is based in the UK. This is to protect minors from abuse or exploitation. Depending on the situation, if an older person in the CIA or an alliance member is caught engaging in sexual talks with an underage employee, they may be fired immediately. Sexual harassment will not be tolerated in CIA, whether it is in the HQ, an allied base, discord or any grounds. Employees that are of legal age are to respect each other and all visitors. Continued harassment, despite requests to stop, will result in severe consequences.. Any evidence that shows an employee pressuring the other person for pictures, will be fired immediately and placed on National Punishment.
Employees are not allowed to exchange favours/money for explicit pictures of others whether it’s a CIA employee or an outsider. As an employee, you are expected to behave yourself and treat both genders with equal respect.
Please note that any form of paedophillia, grooming or underage sexual activity or harassment that is noted within our communication channels may warrant the Foundation Team to consider forwarding this on to the UK authorities for further investigation.
Section 14 - Confidentiality
Any information collected by any of our employees will be stored in a secured database and will not be used for anything but for cases/issues or privacy reasons. As per the security policy, all information within CIA is for CIA employee eyes only, unless authorization from Foundation team or [EA] Leadership has given you permission to discuss CIA matters with people outside of the agency. If you are caught leaking information to outsiders, you will face several consequences and will be placed on National Punishment for exposing confidential information.
Section 15 - Units
All activities within a special unit are to be kept confidential and are for the members of said units and foundations eyes. Employees from Communications and above are expected to join a unit. Employees that aren't in that specific unit, are forbidden to request for any sort of information in regards to said events, or any sort of evidence. The only exception to this is where an Internal Affairs member requests specific logs, evidence or information that is pertinent and relevant to the investigation of a case.
It is suggested that employees only join a maximum of 4 special units at a time. If an employee chooses to join more and cannot keep up with the workload, the employee is at fault for lacking in that respective unit and will be removed from that unit.
Section 16 - Valid Evidence
What is Valid Evidence?
Appropriate evidence is shifted depending on the situation that arises. Every situation, you will need to provide the appropriate evidence to back up your claim. Evidence is vital to ensure that the events that happened, have actually happened and there would be no questions about the series of events.
Generally speaking, valid evidence is image or video evidence in its entirety - unedited. We require uncropped screenshots and any suggestion of tampering will render that evidence invalid. Where possible, dates and timestamps must be visible within screenshots.
The Internal Affairs unit is responsible for the verification, validation and vetting of all evidence submitted. If you have any queries regarding the quality or validity of evidence required please contact a member of Internal Affairs for a discussion.
Section 17 - Promotions
This section is dedicated to the legislation regarding promotions.
Promotions are a reward for hard work only, and therefore can only be given in areas of work. The following areas are acceptable for promotions:
- Fill the Front
- Fill the Security (and surrounding chairs)
- Fill the Training (and the training rooms)
- Help Desk (and surrounding chairs)
- Transfer Desk
- Unit tasks
- Assisting a high rank with something
Only a member of 1iC+ is allowed to promote people outside of work areas, and only in situations where they are promoting an iC member or for pay.
Section 17.1 - Promotion Rules
Promotions on the portal must be logged as soon as the promotion is given. If the user has gone offline before you click the "Promote" button then they are not eligible for a promotion.
Only a member of 1iC+ is allowed to promote someone more than twice at a time. This is to avoid promotion hoarding. Anyone who promotes someone more than twice at a time will have disciplinary action taken against them.
Promotions should only be given once the following conditions are met:
- Employee has been working for 30 minutes.
- It is encouraged and highly advised that promoters engage in conversations or fill stations before promoting an employee.
Anyone seen not following this rule will be given disciplinary action.
The only exception to these rules are if a member of 1iC+ has given you permission to promote the user.
Promoters can only promote the same employee only two times in a row.
Frequently Asked Questions
What do you do in CIA?
Other than the general role of recruiting members, letting people through security and training our new members, you help around the HQ by staying active and making sure that the agency runs smoothly, as well as actively partaking in the several special units above. You also get the opportunity to quickly get promoted up through the ranks.
How often do you pay? and how much do you pay?
Currently, we pay eight times a day at 1/2 am/pm and 6/7 am/pm GMT+0. We currently pay 1-6 points each paytime which you can then claim via the points shop.
My timezone isn't GMT+0, how do I know what time pay is for me?
Convert your time below.
World Clock
How do I buy ranks or donate?
To buy a rank or donate, visit a rank seller. Rank prices are here.
I've just joined and I want to find out what my duties are, where do I look?
For non-iC ranks, you can either hover over "Rank Information" and click "Rank Duties", or click here
For iC ranks, you can find your duties by hovering over "Guides" and clicking "iC Rank Guides", or click here
I want to appeal an infraction / complain / make a suggestion, how do I do this?
Hover over "Other Links" and click on "Appeals, Complaints and Suggestions".