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Transfer Training Script

Do not copy paste the lines in red!
You may use a variety of coloured chats for each section.
Ensure that you only train for the sections the transferee needs.
Example: If someone has transferred into Trial Support, only train until the end of the Support Section.

Welcome to the official Central Intelligence Agency Transfer’s Training Session!
I am [Username], and I will be conducting today’s session.

This training session will take up around 15 to 30 minutes of your time.
I ask that you do not AFK during this session, if you need to AFK please let me know.
I strongly recommend that you pay full attention throughout the duration of the session.
I also suggest taking notes throughout the session, but this is optional.
There will be a test at the end of each section.
If you feel as though i’m going too fast or too slow, don’t hesitate to say.

Recruit Section

We will start by discussing your role while at FTF.
Fill The Front (FTF) desks and recruit people whilst here.
If someone new would like to join, you must instruct them to do three things:
1. Join and wear CIA's main badge.
2. Change their motto to: [CIA] Recruit

If someone has badges from another agency, direct them to the Transfer Unit Desk.
Any questions so far?

Wait for trainee's response before continuing/

I will now cover the important commands that you need to know for working at CIA.

Fill The Front (FTF) - Take a seat at the front desks, to recruit or assist people.
Fill The Back (FTB): Take a seat on the chairs at the back of the room in order to go AFK/BRB.
AFK stands for Away from Keyxboard and BRB stands for Be Right Back.
Fill The Security (FTS) - Take a seat at the security station and let workers in.
Fill The Training (FTT) - Go to the training room and train new members.
Fill the Transfer Desk (FTTD) - Manage people who wish to transfer to CIA.
Fill the Help Desk (FTHD) - Sit at the Help Desk and answer questions people may have.
Back To Base (BTB) - Return back to base as soon as possible.
Clear The Hallway (CTH) - Move out of the hallway, and quickly look for a seat.
Attention (ATT) - When told this, always remember to do three things:
1. Stand and face the person who ATT-ed you.
2. Wave by typing o/
3. Say "Yes, Sir/Ma'am" respective to their gender.
At Ease (AE) - You are allowed to sit upon given this command after being ATT-ed.

Do you have any questions regarding the commands?

Wait for transferee's response before continuing.

I will now cover 13 CIA Rules that you need to know whilst working here.

1. Never abuse or harass any CIA Employee, visitor or special guest.
2. Never demand for Pay, Promotions, or special privileges.
3. Do not excessively use capital letters or spam with the intent to disrupt.
4. Coloured Chats are permitted except Red. Red is used by Ownership+ for announcements.
5. Never self-promote or double job.
This means DO NOT promote yourself or work at other agencies; excluding unpaid roleplays.
6. Do not let unauthorized people into the HQ via the Front Desk and Security.
7. Do not AFK (Away from Keyboard) in any station.
To avoid this, you can press space, then enter, or wave.
8. Always adhere to the Habbo rules.
9. Insubordination, the act of refusal to listen to a superior, is not tolerated at CIA.
10. You are always to wear proper Badge and Motto while working in CIA.
11. You are required to have your online time and profile visible at all times.
12. Only English is permitted within CIA. This is for moderation purposes.
13. Poaching other members from other agencies within their base is not allowed.

You should familiarize yourself with the Code of Conduct of CIA at habbocia|pw
Do you have any questions about the rules?
Wait for transferee's response before continuing.

Let’s test your knowledge on what we’ve just learned!
Ready for the test?
Wait for transferee's response before continuing.

1. What does the command FTF mean?
2. What does the command CTH mean?
3. Tell me 3 CIA Rules.
4. If someone would like to join the CIA, what must you tell them to do?
: x ATT!

Ensure that they have preformed the ATT command before proceeding.

: x AE!

For Employees who failed (3/6 and below):
I’m sorry to say, but you’ve failed the test.
Would you like me to repeat the information?

If the recruit wishes to retake the session, please do so.

For Recruits who passed (4/6 or above):

As for our pay system, pay times are: 1/2 am/pm and 7/8 am/pm (UK Time).
If you need help converting your time to the CIA time, visit our website, habbocia|pw
You are required to fill a station for at least 45 minutes before pay times.
You have to join a pay session through the portal.
As you do not currently have access to our portal, you must tell the payer to add you to the pay session.
Payment is provided in points that can be redeemed into credits or rewards
up to your choosing.
As an agent, you earn 3 points per pay time and it goes up as you rank up.
Once you obtain a minimum of 20 points, you can claim payment from a payer or founder.
Visit habbocia|pw > Policies > Pay Policies > Daily Pay Policy for more information.

Do you have any questions in regards to the pay system?

Wait for trainee's response before continuing.

Let’s proceed to the next section!

Moderation Training:
The Moderation division is made up of highly trained members, who process members through security.
It's their job to determine whether they should be sent to Lobby, HQ or Training.

There will be a test at the end, so I advise that you pay close attention.
Do you have any questions before we begin?
Wait for trainee's response before continuing.

Now, I will teach you how to operate the security system, This station is known as FTS.
There are 3 keywords you have to remember when using FTS:
1. !base = sends the user inside the base.
2. !training = sends the user to training.
3. !lobby = sends the user back to lobby.
Remember that before letting someone in, you have to make sure they have the correct Badge and Motto.

And of course, make sure to Security Search anyone before letting them in.
To perform a security search, go to the Portal and click in the search bar at the top of the page.
Type in their username and hit enter on your keyboard.
There are 3 Security Search results. If it says:
1. "ACCESS GRANTED", check if their motto on portal and habbo matches, then you can let them in by typing !base.
2. "ACCESS LIMITED", check their badge and motto. If it says [CIA] Recruit, send them to training by typing !training
If their motto does not say [CIA] Recruit, send them to the lobby by typing !lobby.
3. "ACCESS DENIED", send them back to the lobby by typing !lobby.
This means that the user has either been suspended, fired, is on our national punishment list or do not hire list.
Always make sure to Security Search anyone before letting them in.

Do you have any questions before we proceed with the test?

Wait for trainee's response before continuing.

Fantastic, now we will begin the test. You must pass this to work in the Moderation Division.

1. Please tell me which command should be used for the following situation:
A Habbo with the correct Badge and Motto of [CIA] Recruit.
Wait for a reply.

2. A user trolling in the lobby is sent to FTS.
What command will you use for the troll?
Wait for a reply

3. A user with a correct motto but no badges. Which command will be used?
Wait for a reply

4. How do you perform a security search on the portal?
Wait for a reply

This marks the end of the test.
Ensure that they have answered correctly to all the questions.
If not, help them understand each question before moving onto the next section.

Lastly, we will cover Leave of Absence [LOA].
As a non-iC, if you need to take 14 days or more from Habbo,
please fill in "Leave of Absence" on our portal.
You must provide a minimum of 3 days notice before your LOA date.
There are guides on how to do this on our website, habbocia|pw
More information regarding LOA will be on CIA's website
in the Policies & Guidelines section of habbocia|pw.
Any questions regarding the LOA section?
Wait for a reply

Great! Let’s move on the Instructor’s Section!

Instructor Training:

Firstly I would like for you to go to pts|habbocia|pw,
on the top right corner, click on your username then click on Settings.
There you will see the Promotion Tag.
Create your tag, then fill it in the box and Save.
Remember, your tag should be 3 characters relating to your Habbo user.

Wait for trainee's response before continuing.

Let's continue with the course!

If a recruit is trolling around or being rude, you may refuse to train with approval from 5iC+.
If the user will not leave the training room, BTB and tell a 1iC+.

In order to train, there are three simple steps:
1. Firstly, Please go back to our website.
Go to ‘Scripts’ > ‘Recruit Training Script’.
2. Copy and paste the script by using CTRL + C to copy, CTRL + V to paste.
Copy+paste the first line of the Recruit Training Script so I know that you understand.
3. If the recruit passes or fails, please log the training on our portal as soon as possible.
To log the training, log-in to our portal.
Under Actions, click on Train.
Fill out the form.
Make sure the username of your recruit is correctly typed.
For those who failed, remember to add a note as to why they failed.
Afterwards, ask them if they want to redo training if they failed.
If they passed, tell them to go back to base to be let in to start work.

Do you have any questions regarding this division?
Wait for trainee's response before continuing.

Let’s move onto learning about the Support Division's duties.

Support Training:
You’ll now learn more about promotion rules.

Please pay attention, as there will be a test at the end.
Any questions before we begin?

Wait for trainee's response before continuing.

Please note that you are not able to promote those in the same division as yourself, or higher.
To promote, both you (promoter) and the employee should have an Online Time for at least 30+ minutes.
You can verify by checking the employee's profile. (OT = Online Time).
This is done by clicking the employee's avatar, and the OT will be shown on their profile.
Note: If you or the employee get disconnected, your OT resets
and you have to wait another 30 minutes before promoting.
Also, keep in mind that we do not allow promotion hoarding or hovering.
This means that you can’t promote more than twice, the same person.
Only 1iC+ are eligible to promote a person more than twice.
Also, do not stand behind an employee while waiting for their OT to reach 30 mins.

Here are the steps to promote:
1. You are to head on the portal, pts|habbocia|pw, ‘Actions’ and ‘Eligibles’
2. On the left side, there should be a green / blue button
This means that the user is eligible to be promoted.

Please note: The green button means it is a regular promotion,
Blue means that the employee is in a new division, and requires a new badge.
Tell the employee to request the badge, and notify badge admins in #requests on discord.
3. If eligible for promotion, ATT them, copy and paste the motto the portal provides you with in the pop up box once you have fully confirmed the promotion

Once you've done all that, you may AE them.
Any questions regarding promotions?

Wait for trainee's response before continuing.

I hope you have been taking notes, as now I will be testing your knowledge!
Are you ready?
Wait for trainee's response before continuing.

1. What is the required online time before you and the employee are eligible for promotion?
Wait for response.

2. Where do you log the promotions that you have given to members of the CIA?
Wait for response.

3. If the promote button is blue, what does this mean?
Wait for response.

4. Are you allowed to promote people who are in the same or higher division as you?
Wait for response.

5. What are the three steps of promoting someone?
Wait for response.

If they score 3/5 correct:
Congratulations on passing the test!

If they score 2 or below:
Oh no! It appears you have failed the test!
We’ll have to redo this section.

Operations Training:
In this section, we’ll discuss infractions!

A Verbal Warning of Verbal Infraction is given to all employees who break a rule.
They must be logged via the CIA Discord Server.
following the format on the pinned messages of the channel.
The 1st infraction that will be issued is a Logged Warning.
The 2nd infraction that will be issued is a Strike 1.
The 3rd infraction that will be issued is a Strike 2.
Demotions will be issued for users who have been issued a Strike 1 and 2.
The 4th and final infraction that will be issued is a Strike 3.
This is where an employee would be dismissed or fired from the CIA.

Portal-based infractions must be approved by an Internal Affairs member.
Any employee who logged an infraction without approval will face consequences.

Any questions so far?

Wait for the employee to answer then continue.

Now, we will talk about infractions for unresponsive workers.

Remember when ATT’ing someone who's idling at a station, ATT once, then wait for 15-30 seconds,
ATT x2 then wait another 15-30 seconds, and lastly, ATT x3.
If there is a response, give the employee a reminder about activity.
If there is no response, log a Verbal Warning via Discord,
then ask a Room Rights member to bop them to FTB.
Remember to take screenshots of your attempts to ATT the person.
Use these screenshots as evidence in your verbal warning log.

If you notice that any member is repeatedly idling at a station,
even after being warned, you should speak to a member of IA or Directorate
for further advice on the next steps to take.

Are you ready for the test?

Wait for the employee to answer then continue.

We'll now move onto the test for this training session.
The test will consist of 5 questions,
with two of the questions being scenario based questions.

1. Where are infractions logged?
ANSWER: Portal

2. How many strikes can an employee get before they are dismissed? ANSWER: Three

3. How many times should you ATT an unresponsive employee before issuing an Verbal Warning?

4. Who would you speak to if you notice a CIA member has been repeatedly idling at a station,
despite being given reminders and verbal warnings?
ANSWER: Internal Affairs or Directorate

5. If an employee is found to be continuously trolling within the base,
and they currently have two strikes, what is the next course of action?
ANSWER: Dismissal from the CIA

For Trainees that failed (3/5 and below)
I'm sorry to say, but you've failed the Operations Training today.
We will have to redo it.

If the Trainee wishes to retake the session, please do so.

For Trainees that passed (4/5 or above)
Congratulations! You have passed the test.

Finally, we will discuss our Special Units here at the CIA.
We strongly urge you to involve yourself with at least one Special Unit.
As this is where you can really excel yourself!
We currently have 5 Special Units available for you to join, they are as follows:
Transfer Unit (TU), Entertainment Unit (EU), Internal Affairs (IA),
External Affairs (EA) and Executive Board (EB).

You can find out more about our special units on our website.
This concludes our training session today.
Do you have any final questions for me?

Wait for the employee to answer then continue BTB.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you do in CIA?

Other than the general role of recruiting members, letting people through security and training our new members, you help around the HQ by staying active and making sure that the agency runs smoothly, as well as actively partaking in the several special units above. You also get the opportunity to quickly get promoted up through the ranks.

How often do you pay? and how much do you pay?

Currently, we pay eight times a day at 1/2 am/pm and 6/7 am/pm GMT+0. We currently pay 1-6 points each paytime which you can then claim via the points shop.

My timezone isn't GMT+0, how do I know what time pay is for me?

Convert your time below.
World Clock

How do I buy ranks or donate?

To buy a rank or donate, visit a rank seller. Rank prices are here.

I've just joined and I want to find out what my duties are, where do I look?

For non-iC ranks, you can either hover over "Rank Information" and click "Rank Duties", or click here
For iC ranks, you can find your duties by hovering over "Guides" and clicking "iC Rank Guides", or click here

I want to appeal an infraction / complain / make a suggestion, how do I do this?

Hover over "Other Links" and click on "Appeals, Complaints and Suggestions".