Transfer Policy
Agency Requirements:
The agency must be active and open for longer than 2 weeks.
The agency must have a functioning HQ and a functioning website.
The agency’s main or standard badge must have 150+ members.
The agency must not be affiliated with a mafia.
Allies and treaties follow their own criteria.
Members Minimum Requirements:
The member must have been in the Security Badge for longer than 5 days.
The Security Badge must have at least 50+ members.
The member must have all badges and a motto of the agency.
The member must not be on the NP/DnH/BoS list of CIA.
iC Offers require approval from 1iC+ and may take up to 24 hours for an offer to be established and they must be within the iC badge for longer than 7 days.
Transferring from Closed Agency:
The Agency must not have been closed for longer than 2 years.
The Agency must be in the CIA’s Conversion Chart - Closed Agencies.
In the instance of a closed agency not being on the CIA Conversion Chart - Closed Agencies, the offer should be revised by TU Leadership and/or 1iC+ for consideration.
Hiring via Interview:
Contact TU Leadership or 1iC+ Ownership to interview you by visiting our HQ.
Exceptions to the rules:
If any members do not meet these requirements, contact the TU Leadership and/or 1iC+ for consideration.
Processing a Transfer
1. Check the profile of the member willing to get an offer.
2. The member must not have a badge related to a mafia.
3. Check when the member joined the agency.
4. Ask the member to wear their current highest division badge.
5. Go to the Conversion Chart and check for the CIA rank equivalent to the transferee’s rank.
6. Make the offer and wait for a response.
Post-Transferring Process
If the member declines:
- Log it in our portal under Transfer Unit > Transfer and Process Transfer as Declined
If the member accepts:
- Ask them to leave their agency badges and to request the CIA ones from the badge order room.
- They are to request from standard up to the division offered.
- Log the transfer in the portal.
- Request @Badge Admin to accept transferee’s badges.
- Ask transferee to register in CIA portal:
- Ask transferee to join CIA Discord by clicking on the invitation found on
- Train transferee using Transferee Training Script (mandatory training).
- If they pass, log them under ‘Train Transferee’.
If the member disconnects, leaves or doesn't provide an answer:
- Log it in our portal under Transfer Unit > Transfer and Process Transfer as Pending.
Returing Policy
Return for members returning after inactivity or overstayed LOA - 1 division demotion.
For members returning after transferring out for the first time or quitting without notice - 2 division demotion.
For members returning after transferring out for the second time - 3 Division Demotion.
Return for a third time, they’ll have to restart from Recruit.
This does not apply to previous members who have the Veteran badge or previous members who have had disciplinary actions against them.

Returning Veteran
Read Section 2.4 - Retirement under Retirements/Returns for more information about this.
For any other queries, please visit our CIA Headquarters on Habbo or contact us via Discord.
Frequently Asked Questions
What do you do in CIA?
Other than the general role of recruiting members, letting people through security and training our new members, you help around the HQ by staying active and making sure that the agency runs smoothly, as well as actively partaking in the several special units above. You also get the opportunity to quickly get promoted up through the ranks.
How often do you pay? and how much do you pay?
Currently, we pay eight times a day at 1/2 am/pm and 6/7 am/pm GMT+0. We currently pay 1-6 points each paytime which you can then claim via the points shop.
My timezone isn't GMT+0, how do I know what time pay is for me?
Convert your time below.
World Clock
How do I buy ranks or donate?
To buy a rank or donate, visit a rank seller. Rank prices are here.
I've just joined and I want to find out what my duties are, where do I look?
For non-iC ranks, you can either hover over "Rank Information" and click "Rank Duties", or click here
For iC ranks, you can find your duties by hovering over "Guides" and clicking "iC Rank Guides", or click here
I want to appeal an infraction / complain / make a suggestion, how do I do this?
Hover over "Other Links" and click on "Appeals, Complaints and Suggestions".