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SV/VIP Guide

The SV/VIP badge grants visitors access to certain areas of the base. SV badge gives access to VIP and base area, while the VIP badge only allows access to the VIP area.

These badges may be acquired through:
1. Alliance/Treaty/Recognition agreements.
2. Purchased through Badge Admin Holders or primarily the Executive Board.
3. Given to veterans of the CIA.
4. Acceptance with approval of Foundation.

The Special Visitor badge is priced at 40c, while the Very Important Person (VIP) badge is priced at 20c. These badges may be purchased from those in the [CIA] Badge Admin owned by ArkhamCIA.

*The purchases of SV and/or VIP badges are strictly non-refundable*

While visiting the Central Intelligence Agency's base, all SV and VIP badge holders must abide by the general rules at all times. The rules include (and area not limited to):
1. Do not disturb base operations.
2. Always be respectful to everyone.
3. Avoid standing in the hallway.
4. Do not attempt to advertise another Habbo Organisation.
5. Aren't allowed to FTF.
6. Must always display the SV/VIP badge whenever inside the base.

SV and VIP badges may be revoked if any of the following occur:
1. Constant failure to comply by the rules in the CIA.
2. Termination of an alliance/treaty/recognition agreement.

Any badge removals may be appealed to the Judical Unit.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you do in CIA?

Other than the general role of recruiting members, letting people through security and training our new members, you help around the HQ by staying active and making sure that the agency runs smoothly, as well as actively partaking in the several special units above. You also get the opportunity to quickly get promoted up through the ranks.

How often do you pay? and how much do you pay?

Currently, we pay eight times a day at 1/2 am/pm and 6/7 am/pm GMT+0. We currently pay 1-6 points each paytime which you can then claim via the points shop.

My timezone isn't GMT+0, how do I know what time pay is for me?

Convert your time below.
World Clock

How do I buy ranks or donate?

To buy a rank or donate, visit a rank seller. Rank prices are here.

I've just joined and I want to find out what my duties are, where do I look?

For non-iC ranks, you can either hover over "Rank Information" and click "Rank Duties", or click here
For iC ranks, you can find your duties by hovering over "Guides" and clicking "iC Rank Guides", or click here

I want to appeal an infraction / complain / make a suggestion, how do I do this?

Hover over "Other Links" and click on "Appeals, Complaints and Suggestions".