Alt Pay Policy
First of all, you will register the alt accounts you wish to use to help populate the HQ. These alts will then get tracked by a member of our Executive Board team whenever they are in the room. You are required to let a Executive Board member know that you wish to be tracked so they can enter your name onto the system. You are also required to let the 4iC / 3iC member know when you wish to stop being tracked. If you are caught abusing this rewards system by not disclosing that you need to stop being tracked, you will be at risk of disciplinary action up to and including instant dismissal.
Anyone can use this rewards system. Anyone from an Agent all the way up to Ownership. We’ve added no limit to this policy to ensure that everyone can obtain some extra coins as a result of this system.
These are the ONLY people that can approve of an alt to be added, nobody else within the CIA has the authority to do so.
Rewards are on the following basis;
- You will earn 1 point per account every 2 hours. (For example, your main account and 2 alts are online, therefore every 2 hours you will earn 3 points.)
- The maximum amount of points able to gain is 60 points.
- Points are ONLY allowed to be exchanged on a Sunday. This is the day that our Executive Board Team will be prepared to pay out in return for your points. Any time on Sunday is fine, but it HAS to be on Sunday.
- Whatever points you have as of Sunday, must be exchanged on Sunday. This is because each week we will reset the points that everyone has.
- If you disconnect, you will be given 10 minutes to get all accounts online, after this time your tracking will be paused until all accounts are back online.
- To claim this extra reward, you must have your main account online as well as at least ONE alt account.
- The maximum amount of alts per person is 2. (This does not include your main account - you can have your main account online and 2 other alts.)
- Your alts are not allowed to claim regular pay every 6 hours.
How do I register my alts?
Take your main account and your alts to any member of the Executive Board team and they will place your name into document along with your alts.
How is the time tracked?
There is a spreadsheet which has your name along with alts associated to your name. Once you have been ticked, you will begin to get tracked.
How much do I earn for my points?
You will earn 1c per 6 points gained, for example:
6 points - 1c
12 points - 2c
18 points - 3c
24 points - 4c
30 points - 5c
36 points - 6c
42 points - 7c
48 points - 8c
54 points - 9c
60 points - 10c
Points MUST be redeemed on Sunday. If points aren’t redeemed on Sunday of each week, then they will be lost. .